Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Global Marketing Research Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Global Marketing Research Assignment - Essay Example According to the current business performance of H&M, the organisation has built its strong brand image by delivering designed fashionable garments and sports apparels following the competitive pricing strategy across different developed and developing national markets. Founded in the year 1947, H&M is a Swedish manufacturer and marketer of fast-fashionable apparels for the customers, irrespective of their age groups and income levels (H&M Group, 2014). Currently, the organisation operates across 55 global markets with more than 116,000 numbers of dedicated employees. Moreover, H&M has also been recognised to achieve major recognition from its online apparel retail stores that are currently playing a crucial role for the organisation in 12 different nations across the globe (1H&M Group, 2014). The selection of markets has been one of the crucial and major strategic decisions for the organisations to build long-term sustainability. In relation to the competitive environment in the emerging clothing and apparel business industry, an appropriate selection of target markets help organisations to get accustomed with their strong brand position (Rugraff & Hansen, 2011). In this report, the target business environments selected for H&M are India and Brazil respectively. In correspondence, the following discussion will critically analyse the key rationale factors behind the selection of these emerging markets for H&M. The economic performance of the selected target markets has been prioritised.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Raw's paper Term Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Raw's - Term Paper Example Your idea is conventional; furthermore, it is in your best interest that the largest numbers of customers share the benefits. Indeed, corporations are widely revered for their success in the business world. The first major advantage of this model is limited liability of the stakeholders of the business (McQuaig & Billie 751). In case the business is declared, bankrupt or is engaged in a very expensive lawsuit the stakeholders are only entitled to pay amounts equivalent to their holding in the company. This assures the stakeholders that the debt will not exceed their personal property as experienced in sole proprietorships and partnerships. If the credits owed are not payable, there will be liquidation of the assets. This limits any personal obligation of the company’s stakeholders on the debt of the entity. This can guarantee the stakeholders a soft landing despite the unfavorable conditions since their personal property is intact. Secondly, a corporation is a distinct legal person illustrating that it has its jurisdiction. This means that the firm will possess its own property, engage in contracts, acquire, and terminate its possessions. This is beneficial, as the property of the firm will not be attached to individuals. However, the company will utilize this independently to satisfy the objectives of the firm. In legal proceedings, it is the company that is indicated and not the owners or employees of the firm (McQuaig & Billie 751). The business can pursue its operations when the executives are relieved of their positions. In sole proprietorship, the business is not separate from the owner; therefore, the proprietor determines the dissemination of resources in the organization. A contract is not detachable from a sole proprietor since his signature certifies the deal and he is obligated to fulfill the requirements. Since he is not eligible for the same exception as a corporation,