Saturday, May 23, 2020

Police Brutality And Black Teen Discrimination - 914 Words

Everyone has heard of what happened in Ferguson, Missouri. Mike Brown, an unarmed 18-year-old African-American male, was shot and killed by Caucasian police officer Darren Wilson on August 9, 2014. This incident sparked an uproar on police brutality, escalating the whole white cop and black teen discrimination. Apparently Officer Wilson shot Mike Brown while he was trying to surrender. Even after police stated otherwise it was meant with skepticism. It all started after Officer Wilson saw two men walking down the middle of the street. There was a call sent out about a robbery by two African-American men earlier that day. Maybe it was the suspects, Officer Wilson drove by and told them to walk on the sidewalk and that went it from zero to one hundred. After a few words Mike Brown punched Officer Wilson in the face. Officer Wilson went for his weapon telling Brown to back off or he’ll get shot. Brown ignored and attempted to take the gun, that’s when Officer Wilson pulled the trigger. After multiple times pulling the trigger it finally went off. Glassed shattered with blood, Brown backed off then came back with his hands up only to attack Officer Wilson again. Officer Wilson pulled the trigger again until it fired. This time Brown made a run for it, Officer Wilson took chase only to see the Brown had stopped and turn to charge him. After multiple shots it was over with Brown dead on the street. After the Grand Jury decision to not indict Officer Wilson there was an explosionShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of White Rage By Carol Anderson1151 Words   |  5 PagesLately in the media police brutality has been a very popular topic. Most of the instances reported in the media are of white police officers killing African Americans for seemingly nothing. These reports have strengthened the divide between both races. In â€Å"White Rage† by Carol Anderson the issue of police brutality is touched on within the first few words of her essay. 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Largely American citizens were passive about the injustice towards African-Americans in this era. However, television companies broadcasted Bloody Sunday, live across the nation. The American audience

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